Guatemalan Huehuetenango Aldea Q’om Women’s Group LIFT Green Coffee Beans from Mercon Specialty


Guatemalan Huehuetenango Aldea Q’om Women’s Group LIFT Green Coffee Beans from Mercon Specialty

Huehuetenango Aldea Q’om Women’s Group

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Aldea Q’om, Huehuetenango

Farm / Cluster

19 Woman-Owned Farms


1650-1850 masl




Caturra, Catuai, Bourbon

Flavor Notes

Tropical fruit, hibiscus, lemony and clean, tart

The story behind Huehuetenango Aldea Q’om Women’s Group

This coffee comes from a group of 19 woman owned farms in the municipalities of Aldea Q’om and Canton El Plan, Huehuetenango, in the far West of Guatemala along the Mexican border. High in the remote mountains of the area, Huehuetenango is a highly sought-after region known for exceptional and unique coffees. Together, these farmers have 26 planted hectares of land, producing approximately 440 bags of coffee in the 2020/2021 harvest.

Huehuetenango has coffee growing altitudes up to 2,100 meters above sea level, moderate temperatures, consistent rainfall, and volcanic soil, creating ideal conditions for the complex and interesting coffees we expect from the region. Coffee is harvest between January and April and usually arrives in the US around the beginning of July.

Download Huehuetenango Aldea Q’om Women’s Group Info Sheet
Guatemalan Huehuetenango Aldea Q’om Women’s Group LIFT Green Coffee Beans from Mercon Specialty