Guatemala Specialty Green Coffee Beans from Mercon Specialty


Guatemala Specialty Green Coffee Beans from Mercon Specialty

Guatemalan Specialty Coffee

Guatemala is one of the most beautiful and culturally-rich coffee-producing countries in the world. From lush forests covered in low-hanging clouds to many volcanoes and mountains, its high altitudes are homes to over 300 microclimates—which, in turn, produce a large variety of different coffees.

Coffee was first introduced to Guatemala in the 1800s and has been a top export for over 100 years now. Its impact on the economic, social, and cultural development of the country has been massive—so much so that in 2018, national authorities declared Guatemalan coffee as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Nation.

Discover the story and impact of our specialty green coffee beans from Guatemala at StoneX Specialty Coffee, and join us in exploring the unique flavors that our coffee has to offer.

Regions & Cup Profile

Guatemalan coffees are distinguished by their delicious aroma, balanced acidity, full body, and sweetness. There are eight distinct regions that all produce what is known as a “Strictly Hard Bean”, which is characterized by the flavor profile, climate, soil, and, most importantly in Guatemala’s case, high altitude.

Harvest Period

November – April

Annual Productivity

3.5 million bags

Genetic Varieties

Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai, Typica, Maragogype, Pache, Pacamara

Growing Regions

Antigua, Acatenango, Atitlan, Coban, Fraijanes, Huehuetenango, New Oriente & San Marcos

Guatemala Finca Rio Colorado Washed SHB Green Coffee Beans from Mercon Specialty
Guatemalan Linda Vista Black Honey Green Coffee Beans from Mercon Specialty
Guatemalan Santa Palencia Jalapa Fancy SHB Green Coffee Beans from Mercon Specialty
Guatemalan Finca El Morito SHB EP Green Coffee Beans from Mercon Specialty

Guatemala Offerings

Guatemalan Ave de Paraiso SHB EP LIFT Green Coffee Beans from Mercon Specialty
Guatemalan Ave de Paraiso SHB EP LIFT Green Coffee Beans from Mercon Specialty


Ave de Paraiso SHB EP
Bags: 652 bags
Finca Los Conejos Hot Anaerobic ML 30kg Box
Finca Las Camelias HHT Washed ML


Finca Las Camelias HHT Washed ML
Bags: 6 bags
Guatemala Huehuetenango Xuj Kape Women Produced Green Coffee Beans from StoneX Specialty Coffee


Huehuetenango Xuj Kape Women Produced
Bags: 314 bags
Finca Las Pinos HHT Washed ML


Finca Las Pinos HHT Washed ML
Bags: 10 bags