Guinope Natural ML


Honduras Guinope Natural ML LIFT Green Coffee Beans from Mercon Specialty

Guinope Natural ML

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Guinope, El Paraíso

Farm / Cluster

Guinope Cluster


1350-1400 masl




Lempira, Ihcafe90, Catuai

Flavor Notes

Tropical fruit, floral, orange juice, blueberry, heavy body

The story behind Guinope Natural ML

Honduras is the largest coffee producer in in Central America and behind only Colombia and Brazil for all of Latin America. However, it was not such a big player until recently, with most of their coffee destined to commercial grades. But reinvestment by the government into technical assistance and infrastructure has increased the quality nationwide.

This coffee comes from the southeastern region of Honduras near the Nicaragua border. This farm is Rainforest Alliance certified.

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Honduras Guinope Natural ML LIFT Green Coffee Beans from Mercon Specialty