The story behind Bellavista Estate Alma Yulieth Woman Produced
Bellavista single estate is located in El Túnel village in the Cajibío municipality of Cauca department in the south western part of the country. The municipality is found over the Pubenza Valley, also known as Alto Cauca Valley, at 1760 masl and is crossed by Cajibío, Pedregosa, and Cauca rivers.
The single estate belonged to Mr.Iván Rebolledo, a coffee producer since 1987. He bought the single estate in 1998, but unfortunately, Iván passed away in 2011 so the the farm now belongs to Alma Yulieth Castro (Ivan’s wife) and Ivan’s two children from his first marriage, Mónica and Mauricio Rebolledo. The farm has a total area of 74 Hectares, from which 55 are planted with coffee.
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