From Bean to Brew: Understanding Raw Coffee

The unroasted seeds of coffee cherries are known as raw coffee beans, also popularly known as green coffee. These beans have an oval shape and a hard outer layer, appearing green or beige. Consumption of raw coffee beans in their natural state is not typical, as their bitter taste and hard exterior make them unfit for consumption. However, once roasted, these same beans are transformed into the beloved beverage we all know and love. Learn more about raw coffee beans and their journey from seed to cup.

Growing & Harvesting

The 'coffee belt' is a fascinating collection of central coffee-producing regions in South America, Central America, Africa, and Asia near the equator. Cultivating coffee in these regions is a delicate art, requiring unique environmental conditions such as soil quality, altitude, rainfall, and temperature range. These conditions, along with the influence of different growing regions and microclimates, lead to the diverse flavor profiles of Arabica and Robusta coffee. This complexity makes exploring the world of coffee so exciting for roasters.

Coffee plants typically grow for 3-4 years before bearing their first crop of cherries, which start green and ripen to red over 6-7 months before harvesting. Producers may handpick only perfectly ripe cherries or employ large machines depending on the farm. After the initial harvest, plants continue to produce cherries once a year for decades.

Processing, Drying, Sorting

Once cherries are harvested, they are processed wet or dry, resulting in green coffee. The chosen method can significantly influence the final product's taste, prompting producers to select carefully. Once the beans have been processed, they are dried to a moisture content of 10-12%, sorted based on size, shape, and color, then shipped to exporters or importers, then to roasters across the globe.


The roasting process is where the magic happens in coffee production. Here, the distinct flavor profile, rich aroma, and characteristic brown hue of coffee are developed. Depending on the roast level, a light roast can accentuate fruity notes with higher acidity, while a dark roast will produce a robust, slightly bitter taste with lower acidity. This process, which requires skill and precision, transforms raw coffee beans into the beloved beverage we all know and love.

Advantages of Raw Beans

When it comes to coffee, there are many choices a roaster can make. Purchasing raw coffee beans presents a world of possibilities and benefits. Firstly, green coffee possesses a lengthier shelf-life, ensuring that coffee stays fresh for longer. More importantly, it allows for customized roasting based on a roaster's desired flavor profile, whether light, medium, or dark. This adaptability empowers coffee roasters to explore and experiment with diverse coffee flavors, transforming green coffee to the unique blends, single-origins, and other coffee craft roasters create.

Whether you're a hobbyist or an expert roaster, if unroasted raw coffee sparks your interest, feel free to contact us, and we will guide you toward our selection of exceptional green coffee.