Cerrado Mineiro Rosa 16+


Brazil Rosa LIFT 48 Hour Fermentation Green Coffee Beans from Mercon Specialty

Cerrado Mineiro Rosa 16+

102 bags arriving soon

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Sul de Minas

Farm / Cluster

Local Producers


900 masl




Red Catuai

Flavor Notes

Fruity notes, red fruit, strawberry, cherry and grapes

The Story Behind Brazil Cerrado Mineiro Rosa 16+

The Ipê is widely known for its beauty and extraordinary array of flowers, distributed throughout all Brazil regions. These trees shed all their leaves for colorful blooms.

Ipês prefer sunny climates and typically grow into large trees. This national flower is funnel-shaped and bears an impressive array of hues, such as yellow, purple, pink, white, and green. Between June and November, these blooms cover the ground with a gorgeous blanket of color. The Ipê's lavish flowering has made them popular for landscaping, and they continue to brighten up Brazilian scenes with vibrant hues in the driest part of the year.

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Brazil Rosa LIFT 48 Hour Fermentation Green Coffee Beans from Mercon Specialty