Finca Las Pinos HHT Washed ML


Finca Las Pinos HHT Washed ML

Finca Las Pinos HHT Washed ML

3 bags in stock

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Farm / Cluster

Renardo Ovalle


1900-2250 masl




Caturra, Bourbon

Flavor Notes

Bright and floral, complex, stone fruit, citrus, apricot, jasmine, caramel, brown sugar, sweet finish

The story behind Finca Las Pinos Huehuetenango Washed ML

In 2013, Renardo Ovalle planted coffee in several plots that he called Los Pinos because this region, due to its height above 2,000 masl, could be seen as large old pines.

It is located in Santa Barbara, a municipality near Huehuetenango, where rainfall is scarcer compared to other regions of Huehuetenango. The varieties that were planted with coffee were Caturra, Bourbon, and Pacamara. Something that began as an experiment resulted in a unique coffee due to its soil and height conditions

Huehuetenango has coffee-growing altitudes up to 2,100 meters above sea level, moderate temperatures, consistent rainfall, and volcanic soil, creating ideal conditions for the complex and interesting coffees we expect from the region. Coffee is harvested between January and April and usually arrives in the US around the beginning of July.

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Finca Las Pinos HHT Washed ML