Namugo Grade A

Papua New Guinea

Namugo Grade A

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Eastern Highlands Province

Farm / Cluster

Smallholder Producers


1400-2000 masl




Typica, Blue Mountain, Arusha, Bourbon

Flavor Notes

Candied grapefruit, orange, lemon, floral, honey, very sweet finish

The Story Behind Namugo Gr A

Coffee for this unique brand is sourced from the virgin rainforests in the southeastern districts of the Eastern Highlands Province. The coffee grown in the area is a mixture of Arabica varieties: Bourbon, Typica, Blue Mountain, and Arusha mostly. Most coffee growers in this area live within an altitudinal range of 1,400 - 2,000 meters above sea level. Average annual rainfall varies from 2,200mm near the Okapa district to over 4,000mm in the lower Lamari valley. Cash incomes in these districts are moderate and are derived from minor coffee and fresh agricultural produce sales from the farmers, who each have less than 1.5 hectares of land, growing around 2,000 trees per hectare.

Namugo is the name in the local Okapa dialect for the rainforest, dominated by hills and mountains, stretches as far as the Gulf provinces. Coffee at Lamari Valley is shade-grown with medium-density shade covered by the rainforest surrounding their gardens. In addition to promoting even ripening for cherries, shade trees provide a habitat for several species of birds.

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Namugo Grade A
Namugo Grade A

Farmers from the villages of Ivingoi, Purosa, Iwaki and Kimi has been growing their coffee on small holdings within the rainforest for decades. The cherries harvested are delicately processed to retain their good quality. With this area's high cloud cover and low temperatures, the parchment coffee is carefully stored in well-ventilated huts before sale.

With good road links, it takes less than an hour to move parchment to the nearest roads to be transported to Goroka, the capital of Eastern Highlands Province. The ambient environment in which the coffee is grown and the care taken in the processing and handling of Namugo bring out the finest flavor profiles, fruity sweetness, medium acidity, and medium body that is experienced in our Namugo AX blend.

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